Recycling Textiles

Helping Hands Global is able to support our mission and vision of how the world should be through the collection and distribution of used clothing, shoes and other household items.

Our used clothing generates approximately 17,000 jobs here at home.


According to the U.S Environmental Protection Agency we generated 14.3 million tons of textiles or 5.7 % of total municipal waste was generated in 2012. The textile recycling industry is very significant because it prevents 2.5 billion pounds of post consumer textile product waste from entering the solid waste stream per year; that is according to Council for Textile Recycling reports.

The Institute for Local Self-Reliance reports that the most successful municipal or county textile programs have partnered with charities and nonprofit organizations such as Helping Hands Global.

Selling Used Books

Helping Hands Global also sells used books online through various markets like eBay, Amazon, and Alibris.

Funds received also go to support our mission and vision. about_us_img

School Program

Helping Hands Global teams with local schools to educate our youth on recycling and the importance of cultural awareness. We work to teach youth the value of volunteerism and the empowerment of helping others.

  • Helping Hands offers presentations and age appropriate curriculum on recycling, the environment, cultural awareness, volunteerism, and issues pertaining to developing nations.
  • Helping Hands offers field trips to our facility to teach youth the process of textile recycling